A pay monthly website is the perfect way to get your business online without having to pay large upfront costs or setup fees. Your website will look and function every bit as good as one that costs much more. With no set-up fees and no ongoing maintenance fees, you can invest the time and money into other areas of your business.
In addition to reducing your upfront expense, having a pay monthly website means your company will benefit from having a professional online presence without having to worry about keeping it updated and secure. People tend to forget how important it is to make sure your emails and your servers are working round the clock and paying monthly is a nice assurance policy for your business.
Another important point to note is that there are ALWAYS ongoing expenses related to websites in any case. Even if you go with a “Once-off” package, there are extra costs in website ownership other than the design and development of the website. You’ll need a domain name, hosting, emails, and an SSL Certificate for extra security at the least. These are usually monthly/yearly renewal fees. There is also a possibility you’ll need bug fixes, software updates, and content updates. These come up at a moments notice and are often billed at an hourly rate.